My productions (films)


Graduate film (2012). 
Stop Motion . 11’’35 min.

«1930, an airmail pilot tries to cross the Atlantic but crashes into an unknown desert.  Begins another journey with a strange meeting, through the dunes, through the lines.»

"1930, un pilote d'aéropostale se crashe dans un désert inconnu alors qu'il est sensé survoler l'Océan Atlantique. Une rencontre étrange à travers les dunes, à travers les lignes."

Directed by: 
Laïana Patel, Charlotte Gayet, 
Elodie Boureille and Fabrice Leret. 

Direction: Laiana Patel 
Puppet conception : Laiana Patel, Charlotte Gayet 
Time : 6’’38
stop-motion short movie, made for a «animation rallye» in 2012 : 3 days for the shooting.  

« A little girl would like to catch some stars. 
       But... Why does she bring brush and a floor cloth ? »

 "Une petite fille veux attraper des étoiles... Mais... Pourquoi avec un balais et une serpillière ? "

Short film made during my first years at EMCA.
Direction : Laïana Patel, 2011.
Softwares : After Effect, Photoshop, Protools et vegas. 
Time : 5’’30.

« Two little planets meet each other. A giant cherry tree scatters its petals and charms a little boy a bit curious »
" Deux planètes se rencontrent, un cerisier géant sème ses fleurs au vent et un petit garçon décide de les suivre"

Demoreel 2014


CV 2014
Français                   English

SE-MA-FOR  (Internship 2012 - stage 2012 - Poland )
Some pictures of the production of "Flapper and friends", at se-ma-for...

Quelques images du tournage de "Flapper" le lapin, une jolie série 
en stop-motion pour les petits en production à Se-Ma-For

More about Sillages and Puppets

Short film project in stop motion :  TRAIL (Sillage) 
Projet de court métrage en Stop-motion : SILLAGE 

                      Illustration, backgrounds, armaturs... Made by Charlotte Gayet,  Laïana Patel , Elodie Boureille, Fabrice Leret 

We are four students in animation movies : Charlotte Gayet, Laïana Patel (that's me), Elodie Boureille, Fabrice Leret (CLEF Production, clef = key in french ^__^) and for this last year in EMCA, we made a short film in stop motion. 
We have two different characters : an aviator and a creature who is going to transforme into human. The airman crashed in an imaginary desert which attracts machines to him, and which is the refuge of the animal. The movie asks their meeting: hostile and tinged with fear, it changes with the reading of strangers' letters transported by the airman.
Nous sommes quatre étudiants en cinéma d'animation : Charlotte Gayet, Laïana Patel (c'est moi), Elodie Boureille, Fabrice Leret (CLEF production ^__^) et pour cette dernière année à l'EMCA nous réalisons notre film de fin d'étude ensemble sur un court métrage en Stop-motion.
Il y a deux personnages : un aviateur et une créature fantastique qui devient humaine au court du film. L'aviateur se crash dans un désert imaginaire qui attire les engins à lui, et qui est le refuge de la bête. Le film raconte leur rencontre : hostile et teinté de peur, la bête change au fur à mesure de la lecture des lettre d'inconnus transportées par l'aviateur.

My contribution: 
- Parts of scenario and storyboard. 
- All conception and making of armatures with kneecaps.
- Creation of molds and faces.
Parts of lighting.
Parts of animation.
Parts of compositing.

Puppet Making

The Armatures
The fabrication of those armatures takes several days, but these tolerate all the manipulations during shooting. The first one (the pilot) took me two months of research, and only a few days for the second one.    

The aluminium armatures I used before this movie offered advantages (lightweight) and were easy to make but they turned out to be fragile and particularly difficult to repair. 
Beside : Puppets for «Le souffleur de lumière».  
Material : aluminium thread, rawlplugs and Thermoplaste (malleable plastic).

The centerpiece of the armatures : 
The fabrication of a biped armature requires 10 of those pièces : 
6 for the knees, the elbows, the shoulders.
2 for the spinal column.
2 for the hips.

Each piece is 16*6*2.5 mm, and hugs tightly 6 mm marbles. The tightening can be made with an Allen wrench through the coating. During the shooting, the animator can easily change the tightening.

The thorax, The pelvis 
and the feet : Thoses parts required more attention: These are the most movable, but which support a huge weight. 

steps of fabrication :

Making of the heads for the facial expressions.

For this work, we moved to JPL film, in Rennes (France), 
a stop-motion studio in order to know how to make the heads:

Molds in silicone and heads in resin, the mouth is then sculptured with a Dremel. Fixations work with a magnet.
Result : 


April 2012 : Beast's morphing

'm working on the beasts head : the head transformation of animal into human. I choice to make a new silicon tin to make five animal head, whitch I sculpt one by one to have the differents step.
Je travaille sur la transformation de la bête : La métamorphose de la tête bestiale en tête humaine. Je parts sur un moule en silicone à l'effigie de la tête de la bête pour faire 7 répliques que je sculpte de plus en plus pour obtenir les étapes de la transformation.

After two week of work, it's a big fail.... With the fur, it doesn't work any more.... We haven't time enough to remake other heads, so we choice to make the transformation with cut hairs of the beast...          
Après deux semaine de travail, c'est l’échec... Avec la fourrure, l'animation est trop chaotique et ne marche plus du tout. Plus le temps de refaire d'autres têtes, alors on vas gérer la transformation uniquement en coupant les poiles et en filmant à l'envers....  

March 2012 : Start of shooting

Some lightings for «Sillages» 

Example of light installation : the cave by day.

In full daylight, dusk, night with campfire...

La Ménagerie (France)  . 2012 . 
Assistant decorator.
Working on the short stop-motion film « Lettres de Femmes »
by Augusto Zanovello.
Particularity: The background and the characters are made with paper and cardboard.

Help repairing of the puppets, making of the hands and elements with paper and cardboard.
Help preparing of the film set and installation.

Internship at "la MCCC" . 2012 .
ARMATURES conception researches.

With help from the workshop foreman :
Familiarization with various metals for study and manufacturing of other   mechanisms of armatures.

Using a strip : 
Light articulation using a steel strip. This method is economic, easy to make, but the result is quite fragile and  don’t present enough mobility.  

Using a tube : 
A good mobility at 360°, but the vertical amplitude is small and heavy at the end.

Punch : 
Fabrication of a punch in order to save time during the making of the armature pieces.

shaft drive :
This type of articulation allows a good mobility of movement, but force the two parts to do an unwanted rotation.

Short movie in preparation ...

Panda and Chocolat
Time : 1-2 min.

Technique : Ink.

« A little girl with a sweety name, a chocolate lover Panda ...  or Chocolate lover ? She sulks, and Panda arrives. » 

Le Souffleur de Lumière (The light-blower)
Technique : Stop-motion.
« In the middle of a dark forest, the light-blower begins his staff. But this time, he isn’t alone... »

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